The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last updated 2 years ago.
#Helix diagnostics code
The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 291U00000X. The NPI number of this provider is 1700120938 and was assigned on November 2012. Outside referral includes 8000 samples a year in the form of slides, blocks, biopsies and specimens. Helix Diagnostics is a provider established in Waterford, Michigan operating as a Clinical Medical Laboratory. The department is well equipped with immunohistochemistry facility. Approximately 35–40 cryosections are performed daily. The institute receives around 40,000 histopathology samples a year, which includes small biopsies (GIT, Lung, soft tissues, bone, lymph node and bone marrow biopsies) and large resected specimens. TRIPLE HELIX DIAGNOSTICS LLC in Lewisville, TX Company Info Company Information Sponsored Links Reviews Sponsored Links Questions Post Question There are no questions yet for this company.

It is one of the largest cancer hospitals in South East Asia. It is supported by Helix’s high-throughput diagnostic testing. The Tata Memorial Hospital is the national comprehensive cancer centre for the prevention, treatment, education and research in cancer and is recognized as one of the leading cancer centers in this part of the world. He completed MD (Pathology) from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. Glassdoor gives you an inside look at what its like to work at Helix Diagnostics, including salaries, reviews, office photos, and more. This is a flailing business and it's best if they just go under quickly so the suffering ends as soon as possible.Dr Charandeep Singh Sahni did his MBBS from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai. He got distinction in biochemistry and pharmacology during MBBS course.

Helix Specialty Laboratory offers toxicology testing services to a variety of industries, including physician offices, employers, government agencies, health clinics, pain management practitioners, and rehabilitation centers. Many of these staff were very capable workers and deserved much better. Helix Diagnostics Is this your company Overview 14 Reviews 6 Jobs 23 Salaries 1 Interviews 4 Benefits - Photos 9 Diversity Follow + Add a Salary Helix Diagnostics Salaries How much do Helix Diagnostics employees make Glassdoor has salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, and hourly pay based upon employee reports and estimates. Helix Specialty Laboratory was established in St. Many staff are fired or laid off with no good reason other than financial issues. They are delinquent in their payments to too many organizations to count. We are a state of the art clinical laboratory that incorporates the latest technology & methods to provide comprehensive.

This puts incredible stress on staff as they want to perform their duties but are not even able to do so because of the owner's/CEO inability to maintain their business. They cannot even order enough chemicals/reagents/consumables to last a whole week. Helix Diagnostics is a state-of-the-art clinical laboratory that incorporates the latest technology and methods to provide comprehensive diagnostic testing, including: urine and oral fluid drug. Helix Diagnostics is a state of the art clinical laboratory that incorporates the latest technologies and methods to provide comprehensive diagnostic. What is the problem then? Well, the upmost management of this company are completely incompetent to the point of absurdity. I found the staff in my department to be competent overall. Even in a highly competitive environment. I enjoyed my managers (before they were fired) and the majority of my co-workers were pleasant as well. Helix Diagnostics, Guntur has always been considered as one of the topmost rankers in the list of diagnostic centres. Today, Helix Diagnostics employs over 160 team members to serve patients in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois. My daily duties at Helix weren't too demanding, and I was paid adequately for the tasks that I completed. Helix Diagnostics was just recognized as the 6th fastest growing company in Michigan and the 22nd fastest growing company in the hospital/healthcare Liked by Jim Grossi Experience CEO/partner. Only accept a job here if you are desperate. I would highly recommend that you avoid this business if you already have a job, do not let them poach you. Helix wasn't necessarily a bad place to work -until it was.